Kwarciany Mead

Rated 5.00 out of 5


34 in stock

  • Description
  • Additional information



  • Alc. 10 %
  • herbal spiced mead
  • Rocznik: 2022


Amber colour, flavour herbal spiced, fresh honey taste with clearly perceptible ginger and juniper.


This mead is registered as a Regional product of Podlasie voivodeship Poland. It's traditional metheglin the recipy came from XVI century. It's fast fermenting czwórniak (1/4 of honey used) made with popular species of those times. Name came from regular army units of Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth - Wojsko Kwarciane started by King Sigimudus Augustus in 1562. This King was also founder of our Town of Augustow and give the right to our townsfolk to make meads. This mead was popular in XVI-XVIII century and made by soldiers of those units during winter break called hiberna. Kwarciany have very good ageing potential with profile changing with time in a very good way. Our production cycle of this mead took 6 months.

Enjoy slowly because...

...good drinks are worth waiting for.

This Mead won bronze medal at Orpheus Mead Cup 2022 and was selected best mead of Honey Festival in Tykocin in 2022.

Additional information

Weight 1,5 kg

2 reviews for Kwarciany

  • Tomasz

    11 October 2021 at 20 h 21 min

    5 out of 5

    Był to pierwszy produkt od Was jakiego spróbowałem, i jest absolutnie genialny. Już nie mogę się doczekać jak poznam bliżej więcej waszych produktów.


  • Ulala

    18 March 2023 at 20 h 59 min

    5 out of 5

    Kolejny raz wracam do Kwarcianego, coś niespotykanego!
    Polecam pić na wieczór. Są po nim bardzo kolorowe, unikalne sny. Pojęcia nie mam jaki składnik daje taki efekt 🙂


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