Seminarium biznesowe w Brukseli 23-27 maja 2022 i Londynie 13-17 czerca 2022
wyjazdy został sfinansowany w ramach projektu Promocja gospodarcza Województwa Podlaskiego pn. „Podlaskie – naturalna droga rozwoju”, w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego, Oś priorytetowa I Wzmocnienie potencjału i konkurencyjności gospodarki regionu, Działanie 1.4. Promocja przedsiębiorczości oraz podniesienie atrakcyjności inwestycyjnej województwa, Podziałanie 1.4.1. Promocja przedsiębiorczości oraz podniesienie atrakcyjności inwestycyjnej województwa,
Celem seminarium jest promocja potencjału gospodarczego województwa podlaskiego, wsparcie podlaskich przedsiębiorców na rynkach europejskich oraz nawiązanie i rozwijanie relacji biznesowych z partnerami zagranicznymi.
Wartość pomocy:
The project assumes the participation of partners in one of the world's largest international food fairs SIAL Paris 2020 as exhibitors. Four Podlasie companies from the food industry will go to the fair thanks to the grant: three micro and one small, and, as the project leader, the Podlasie Regional Development Foundation. At the joint exhibition stand will be shown export goods and promoted our region.
The project considers the rent of the exhibition space with all components, design and creation of a common exhibition stand. Participation in the fair will also include activities related to logistics, i.e. selection of service providers, reservation of accommodation, transport and stay.
Project goals:
The strategic goal of the project is to improve the conditions for the development of SME sector companies.
Specific goals:
Planned effects:
Signing 3 letters of intent about cooperation. The long-term effect of the project will be a coherent promotion of the Podlaskie Voivodeship and the key food industry addressed to both other exhibitors and potential contractors, as well as people visiting the fair, that finally will give a chance to strengthen the region's position in the world.
Project value: PLN 330,020.05
Contribution of European Funds: co-financing PLN 239,398.00
"With a voucher for innovation 2.0!!" Act 1.2 – Development of entrepreneurship, III Type of project,
Regional voucher for innovation – grant project, Priority Axis 1 Economy and innovations RPO – Lubuskie 2020
Project value: 144 705,86 PLN
The aim of the project is to recreate the old recipe of "Kaunas Lipiec (linden honey mead)" and develop an innovative method of producing boiled-wort mead – without the addition of sulfites ensuring colloidal stability.