Proper production of mead begins with the dissolution of honey in an appropriate portion of water according to a given recipe. Then follows heating and cooking along with spicy additives. This is how honey wort is developed, and then pumped into a stainless steel fermentation tank, intensively mixed, and, after the tank cools down, we add yeasts. After the first stage of fermentation, in ca. 3-12 weeks, depending on the type of honey (after intensive fermentation), mead goes to the next stage of production, when it calmly ripens, becomes clear and acquires "character". It takes from 3 to even 12 months. Mead can be bottled when both laboratory and organoleptic tests confirm its proper "potency", as well as taste, color, and aroma. In a single production process there are about 1300 bottles of the drink.
For example, to produce the Trojniak (33% of honey) we need a full year. We do not want to accelerate natural processes, because we know: good drinks are worth waiting for.